Climate Change

Why you need to put away your lawnmover for May

Analysis: No Mow May allows native plants to recover and provide ecosystem support for other plants,...

Panama prepares to evacuate first island amid rising sea levels

On a tiny island off Panama’s Caribbean coast, about 300 families are packing their belongings in pr...

Earth warms at record rate, no evidence climate change accelerating - study

The rate Earth is warming hit an all-time high in 2023 with 92% of last year's surprising record-sha...

Why an urban garden is good for you and everyone else

Can urban gardens really tackle the biodiversity crisis? Do urban gardens improve wellbeing? Is your...

Music festivals seek greener footprint

Three planes, 270 tonnes of equipment, 800 square metres of stage: the figures from Madonna's massiv...

Las Vegas eyes record fifth consecutive day over 46C

Used to shrugging off the heat, Las Vegas residents were now eyeing the thermometer as the desert ci...

Ten disaster movies you may not have seen

With the release and box office success of Twisters, attention is once again focused on the disaster...

Why fires in US West are becoming ever bigger, more consuming

Decades of snuffing out fires at the first sign of smoke combined with climate change have laid the ...

UNICEF executive director on stark realities of war, climate

UNICEF executive director Catherine Russell spoke to Q+A about the impact of war and climate change ...

Analysis: NZ is running out of gas – literally

Analysis: It's good news for the climate, but bad news for the economy, write David Dempsey, Jannik ...

Govt moves to raise carbon price, says petrol will only rise 3c a litre

The carbon price is expected to rise on news the Government is slashing the number of tonnes of plan...

UN issues rallying cry on climate for Pacific

Pacific communities face dozens of days each year battling floods caused by climate change, accordin...

Drought in vital reservoir reveal ruins of sunken Greek village

Like ghosts from the past, sunken villages at the bottom of water reservoirs are not meant to be see...