The Lauren Murphy Column

When Beyonce went country - Lauren Murphy on artists mixing it up

They say a change is as good as a rest, but that's probably not what Beyoncé was thinking when she d...

Dublin Portal RIP? Lauren Murphy asks: what were they thinking?

Hands up who saw it coming? Alright, you can all lower your arms now. Honestly, if you ever thought ...

Lauren Murphy on Sister Act 2 and when nostalgia strikes

Of all the things that have unexpectedly brought a lump to my throat on a humdrum Thursday morning, ...

Welcome to Brat Summer - how Charlie XCX created a moment

You can blame Charli XCX. Before her most recent album was released, the word 'brat' was reserved fo...

Welcome to Brat Summer - how Charlie XCX created a moment

You can blame Charli XCX. Before her most recent album was released, the word 'brat' was reserved fo...