
Shotover Jet apologises after boats disrupt Anzac ceremony

The owners of the Shotover Jet have apologised "unreservedly" after their boats disrupted an Anzac D...

Big, bold plans to expand southern ski fields

There are big, bold plans to make our southern ski fields bigger, but there is a long road to get th...

Govt signals possible price hike for international visitor levy

One of our biggest tourism hotspots has raised questions over the Government's assumption that it wi...

It's snow time! Hopes ski season will entice Australian tourists

Ski field operators in the south will be hoping a front delivers plenty of snow over the coming days...

Proposal to wind up Destination Marlborough with $200k of debt

Commissioners appointed to steer Destination Marlborough after its entire board resigned over an emp...

End of the line for this Southland railway station? Not quite

Restoration is one step closer for an historic railway station in a remote corner of Southland. From...

Sudden fee rise will turn cruise ships off NZ, sector says

Fewer cruise ships could visit New Zealand if border levies are increased at short notice as is plan...

Tourists are becoming deeply unwelcome – is 'slow tourism' the answer?

ANALYSIS: Overtourism is in the spotlight as the travel industry continues to rebound after the pand...