Your Money

Financial advisor's guide to sensibly growing your money: Part 1

How to balance risk and reward – that is the question for every investor. Should you accept a lower ...

Financial advisor's guide to sensibly growing your money: Part 2

Last week, we looked at basic investment planning and proven investment strategies. In this week's a...

5 things to consider when trying to reduce your debt

Debt is the ultimate four letter word when it comes to financial stress. Whether you have credit car...

5 savvy ways to use your savings, if you have built them up

Over the last four years, with the rise of Zoom and Teams meetings, working from home and flexible h...

A financial advisor's tips for those struggling with debt

Imagine this scenario: you are behind in your mortgage repayments. You've been trying to keep on top...

Would you really pay €500 for an Oasis ticket?

Analysis: As many will find out on Saturday morning, we don't always rationally and objectively eval...

5 items to stop buying if you're trying to save money

You would think households are flush with savings from the last few years following the pandemic, wh...

A financial expert's guide to sensibly growing your money: Part 2

Last week we looked at basic investment planning and proven investment strategies, as well as how th...