today with claire byrne

Surgeon Derek Cawley on Understanding and Treating Chronic Pain

Mr. Derek Cawley, spinal surgeon and consultant with Irish Doctors for the Environment talks to Clai...

Young people with liver disease: "Ireland has a big problem"

Liver specialist Professor John Ryan and Paul Moynihan, publican and former president of the Vintner...

Here's why you shouldn't iron jeans

Apart from the dishwasher and the "correct" way to load it, no home appliance inspires as much debat...

Would you ditch your smartphone for a dumbphone with Snake?

Before there was an app for that, there was Snake. And Snake reigned supreme for years until one day...

Generational labels: Useful shorthand or damaging stereotypes?

Dr. Ann-Marie Creaven from the Deptartment of Psychology at UL, and Dr. Harry Barry, GP and Mental H...

Dr Amati: "The power of food is becoming so clear"

When it comes to nutrition – as with so much else in life these days – it seems that opinion often t...

'No fear' about the future of 2FM, says station boss

"To go from people leaving the station to closing it down is nuts," he said of the speculation about...

How do you know if you have a sleep disorder or not?

If you regularly get six hours sleep a night, does that mean you're sleep deprived? If you get nine ...

Have you heard of Ireland's Cloud Appreciation Society?

"Every cloud engenders not a storm," Shakespeare tells us and cloudspotters everywhere would surely ...

How to tell if your pet is overweight

Vet Sarah Boland talks to Philip Boucher-Hayes about overweight pets and how to keep companion anima...

What is a 'bully cat'? The rise of extreme cat breeding

You may have heard of the XL bully, a relatively new breed of dog that has made headlines for acts o...