Niall Ó Sioradáin

Meet the 21-year-old behind Sarah's Delicious Imperfectionz

Summer – when it's cooperating – is great for taking in festivals, food trucks and ice cream. So, no...

Actor Robert Sheehan on how meditation changed his life

You'd think it would be hard to be a renaissance man, but Robert Sheehan – actor, writer, musician –...

Have you heard of Ireland's Cloud Appreciation Society?

"Every cloud engenders not a storm," Shakespeare tells us and cloudspotters everywhere would surely ...

Actor Robert Sheehan on how meditation changed his life

You'd think it would be hard to be a renaissance man, but Robert Sheehan – actor, writer, musician –...

Cloudspotting For Beginners - your new favourite hobby?

"Every cloud engenders not a storm," Shakespeare tells us and cloudspotters everywhere would surely ...

Coffee, funerals and movie nights: Why are we drawn to rituals?

Births, marriages, deaths. Major milestones in life tend to have rituals associated with them. But m...

How do you know if you have a sleep disorder or not?

If you regularly get six hours sleep a night, does that mean you're sleep deprived? If you get nine ...

Dr Amati: "The power of food is becoming so clear"

When it comes to nutrition – as with so much else in life these days – it seems that opinion often t...

Would you ditch your smartphone for a dumbphone with Snake?

Before there was an app for that, there was Snake. And Snake reigned supreme for years until one day...

Toxic Narcissism: "Emotional abuse is the cornerstone of all abuse"

The impact of narcissistic parents on their children is what Oliver Callan wants to discuss with psy...

Why 'movement snacking' can bring more wellness to your workday

For most of us, the time to work on our health and fitness is the time when we're not working at our...

Somniphobia: Is this what's disrupting your sleep?

"Sleep is a serious issue that needs to be taken lightly." This is Clinical Hypnotherapist Fiona Bre...