
What do children need for the move from primary to secondary school?

Analysis: The move from primary to secondary school is one of the biggest life changes an individual...

Casual staff at Melbourne university underpaid $3.1 million

Casual workers employed by Swinburne University have been underpaid AU$2.85 million (NZ$3.1 million)...

Principals urge Govt to 'slow down' on education policy rollout

New Zealand principals are asking the Government to "slow down" on its rollout of new education poli...

When it comes to free school lunches, how much waste can we live with?

Analysis: Schools say it’s impossible not to have some wastage within the school lunches programme. ...

School lunches cut by $107m: 'No more quinoa and hummus' - Seymour

David Seymour says the school lunch programme will feed more but cost less with a change of approach...

Charter schools: What's the difference — and are they better?

More than $150 million has been set aside by the coalition Government in Budget 2024 to create up to...

New school lunch model could cut out kaupapa Māori suppliers

A Whanganui school lunch contractor says kaupapa Māori suppliers could be out of the picture under t...

Fed-up students seek end to unpaid work placements

Education, healthcare and social work students are still expected to do unpaid workplace placements ...

Whaikaha's new rules will impede progress of disabled kids - parents

Parents of children with disabilities are concerned changes to funding rules will halt their childre...

Govt plan to introduce charter schools attracts overseas attention

The Government’s plan to introduce charter schools later this year is attracting interest from schoo...

Quake-prone school buildings built in past 20 years - ministry

More than a third of the country's 27 quake-prone school buildings were built in the past 20 years a...

Winter illness dents school attendance, social media campaign mulled

Winter illness is putting a dent in daily school attendance — but so are long weekends. The percenta...

'Stress and disappointment': Student worked for weeks for Massey exam

Some Massey University students affected by this week's online exam failures fear missing out on the...

Dunedin Kindergartens vote labelled 'broken' by teachers

Dunedin Kindergartens have voted to remain a member of New Zealand Kindergartens in a move described...

Disappointment as Marlborough schools rebuild scrapped

There's lingering disappointment in Marlborough over the scrapping of a major school rebuild project...

Families out of pocket after space camp business Actura goes bust

A Lower Hutt schoolgirl whose family helped fundraise thousands of dollars for space camp has been l...