
Opinion: Why power should be subsidised for struggling households

Opinion: Last week's big chill highlighted why New Zealand should consider "social tariffs" for elec...

Tesla's falling share price hits KiwiSaver accounts

Tesla's falling share price has hit KiwiSaver's lowest-performing fund's returns. KiwiSaver provider...

Auckland Mayor says there's no plan to send rubbish to Kaipara plant

Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown is pouring cold water on talk of his council’s rubbish going north to a p...

Chch community 'frustrated' by spate of copper thefts from powerlines

Copper thieves have once again struck Christchurch's powerlines overnight, the latest in a spate of ...

Contact to cover fixed line charges for those hit by power outage

Contact Energy says it will cover the fixed daily line charges for its customers who were impacted b...

Call for some national direction on large solar farms

Canterbury councils are calling for national direction on how to address the expansion of solar farm...

Pylon collapse: Inexperienced workers were not supervised properly

Transpower says two less-experienced crew members that were working on a base plate of a pylon in No...

Analysis: NZ is running out of gas – literally

Analysis: It's good news for the climate, but bad news for the economy, write David Dempsey, Jannik ...

Forest product company proposes to shut entire operation

A large forest products company, Winstone Pulp International, is planning to shut its entire operati...

Govt moves to raise carbon price, says petrol will only rise 3c a litre

The carbon price is expected to rise on news the Government is slashing the number of tonnes of plan...

Meridian Energy's $429m profit four times higher than previous year

Meridian Energy's full year net profit is more than 4.5 times greater than the year earlier, reflect...

The Kiwi innovators driving Australia's EV market boom

While New Zealand's electric vehicle (EV) market is slowing down due to policy changes, Australia's ...

What's the deal with some people getting money from power companies?

From time to time throughout the year, you might hear about people in a certain part of the country ...