
Are you a shark or a teddy bear in fights with family and friends?

Analysis: Understanding conflict styles can help you overcome conflict, betrayal, regret and resentm...

Why TikTok relationship 'tests' are useless

No, getting your boyfriend to peel an orange won’t prove his loyalty, say Edith Hill and Lydia Woody...

Is it time to spring clean your relationship? Here's how

Dr. Caroline West is a sex educator and host of the Glow West podcast, which focuses on sex, sexuali...

Why friend breakups can sometimes feel as bad as falling out of love

Analysis: A bond with a friend can be stronger than any other bond so you might experience the distr...

Domestic Abuse: A personal safety plan is a way of helping you to protect yourself

Kathrina Bentley, CEO of Men's Aid, shares some advice for those preparing to leave an abusive relat...

Can marriage survive a gender transition? How these couples make it work

Marissa Lasoff-Santos and the person she would marry quickly fell head over heels in love. Lasoff-Sa...

Is it ever OK to check my partner's phone?

Checking each others’ phones in a relationship is a contentious subject. Is it OK to expect access t...

I think I've been ghosted – what should I do?

When you’re in the throes of dating someone new and you believe it’s going well, only to have the ru...

How this app's making it easier for neurodiverse people to find love

A new social networking app is set launch in New Zealand next week with the goal of helping neurodiv...