Long Read

Why my chronic pain made me immune to body image issues

Kate Brayden writes about her experiences with chronic pain, and how not having the energy to critic...

Oscar-nominated composer Laura Karpman on the politics of fashion

Within two minutes of speaking with Laura Karpman over Zoom, I am completely enamoured. Speaking fro...

Is it time to spring clean your relationship? Here's how

Dr. Caroline West is a sex educator and host of the Glow West podcast, which focuses on sex, sexuali...

Is second hand shopping sustainable if you buy fast fashion?

Part of the thrill of second hand shopping, alongside the financial necessity, is checking the label...

How I got back into dating after my 7-year relationship ended

Tara Povey writes about re-entering the Dublin dating scene after her relationship of seven years ab...

Michele Scott-Lynch on the rebellious business of caring for curls

"I kept it really simple, with just three products," Michele says, reflecting on the early days of h...

Kate Demolder on how famous Irish men challenge toxic masculinity

In 2024, Hozier became the first Irish artist in 34 years to top US charts; Cillian Murphy became th...

How Baby Reindeer challenges what we think about trauma & victims

Dr. Caroline West is a sex educator and host of the Glow West podcast, which focuses on sex, sexuali...

Dating app addiction: Could this be the end of swiping right?

As a class action lawsuit haunts Match Group, the company behind dating apps such as Tinder and Hing...

DIY Diagnosis: The perils of analyzing your mental health online

Niamh Delmar is a Chartered Registered Counselling Psychologist and provides Psychological Support W...

How and why you should brush up on your 'cúpla focal' this summer

Did you know that the Irish language is one of the oldest surviving languages in the world? The olde...

Brown Thomas celebrates 175 fashionable years in Ireland

Known for its extravagant window displays, top-hat adorned doormen, celebrity guests, and instantly ...

What to do if your friend or loved one is in a toxic relationship

Dr. Caroline West is a sex educator and host of the Glow West podcast, which focuses on sex, sexuali...

Want to outlive your clothes? Shop for biomaterials

Would you wear a Kombucha leather jacket? Crystals made from sweat? Or a silk dress made from orange...

Biig Piig on her evolving style and year of self care

Singer-songwriter Jessica Smyth (aka Biig Piig) may be from Ireland, but it's clear from both her so...

What I learned coming out to my family later in life

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